Cadet Awards

The full list of awards that can be given to cadets.

  • Continuation Flying Training Awards

    The Continuation Flying Training Awards are to provide cadets who have successfully completed the Power Pilot Scholarship course the opportunity to continue to accumulate fly time. Awards range from $1000 to $2500.

  • Pilot Training Achievement Awards

    The Pilot Training Achievement Awards are given to select graduates of the Air Cadet Gliding and Power Pilot Scholarship courses. The purpose of this award is to provide funding for continuing flying training. These awards are established through the generosity of individuals and organizations, and applications for all qualified cadets are mailed from League headquarters.

  • Saskatchewan Aviation Council Bursary Award

    The Saskatchewan Air Cadet League provides the top two Power Pilot scholarship students a $500 award. This award is only open to cadets who have completed the pilot course, and the application is automatic.

  • Royal Canadian Legion Cadet of the Year Award

    The Royal Canadian Legion Cadet of the Year Award is selected annually by the Air Cadet League of Canada on behalf of the Legion. The selected cadet will be invited by the Legion and act as a youth representative for the National Remembrance Day Ceremony in Ottawa. The Cadet will also receive the Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Excellence and participate in other ceremonies, events, and visits while in Ottawa.

  • Perron Fitness Award

    The Colonel Robert Perron Fitness Award recognizes outstanding achievement in physical fitness. This national award is presented annually to the cadet who attains the highest physical fitness test score. Air Cadets must contact their Squadron Commanding Officer for application information and testing.

  • Duke of Edinburgh Award

    The Duke of Edinburgh award encourages young people to make the best use of their leisure time both actively and creatively and provides opportunities for challenges to be met and wards to be earned. The Award fits almost completely into regular Squadron training if that Squadron has a versatile training program. More detailed information on the Duke of Edinburgh Award Program is available at

  • Music Awards for Excellence