Camp Saskadet

The Saskatchewan Divisions Recreation and Training Camp

Camp Saskadet is a Tri-Service Provincial Cadet Camp, located on Round Lake, 35 km North-East of Kelvington. The camp is a permanent facility that is used almost every weekend throughout the year by cadet units for various types of training, and learning water and bushcraft skills.

The building of the camp officially began on July 5, 1975 with all construction being done by the Air, Army, and Sea Cadet programs with volunteers from Saskatchewan using materials graciously donated from throughout the province. All facilities were completed by September 1978. The camp has been in existence for over 40 years! Today Saskadet can accommodate up to 110 people.

Locally, Camp Saskadet provides opportunities for camping, outdoor recreation and physical fitness training, including biathlon and survival training/competitions. It is an excellent venue used mainly for weekend training not only by Air Cadets, but also by the Army and Sea Cadets throughout the province. A volunteer committee, drawn from the Board of Directors of the Saskatchewan Air Cadet League oversees the operation/maintenance functions of the Camp. There is a full-time paid Custodian on site to maintain the facility and make it available year-round for activities. The Camp is our premier training facility that the Air Cadet League maintains to support the cadet program. The Navy League and Army League of Saskatchewan contribute to its operating costs, plus money received from private donations and ongoing fundraising. Anyone interested in contributing to the operating of the camp is encouraged to do so through the Air Cadet League.